Wednesday, May 20, 2015

How Serious is the ANC About Government for the Good of the People?

This question surely underlies so many discussions and criticisms regarding the ANC's tenure as South Africa's ruling party and government.

Surely if the ANC was serious about government for the good of the people then a lot of things would be a lot better. For example, our education department would be serving our children by ensuring our tax money was put to good use and that good governance principles, checks and balances and accountability would permeate the department. Clearly this is not the case.

The protracted chaotic state of affairs in the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality is further evidence that the ANC is not really concerned with government for the good of the people. It is only now that the ANC looks to be at risk of losing the municipality to the DA in the forthcoming local government elections that the central ANC has intervened. It actually looks as though the ANC, in it's arrogance, wasn't even prepared to make any intervention in the light of the parlous state of the municipality. 

That is until the DA students union won the Fort Hare SRC election. After all that has gone wrong this finally seems to have caught the attention of the ANC NEC knobs.

They decided they needed to get seriously serious about doing something serious.

So what do they do? To show how seriously serious they are about sorting the serious problems down there.

They put in a part-time mayor.

With all the kak that is going on and how seriously bad they suddenly realise things are they put in a frigging part-time mayor to solve everything!

Danny Jordaan is president of SAFA. He assures us that his responsibilities at SAFA won't interfere with his ability to resolve the pressing issues in Nelson Mandela Bay. Maybe that helps us understand why SAFA is such a stuff up. Clearly Danny's view is that his responsibilities at SAFA are so lightweight that he can successfully moonlight as mayor of one of our biggest and most troubled municipalities.

I would have thought that if the new mayor of the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality was serious about his responsibility to resolve the pressing issues he would be expecting twelve to sixteen hour days dedicated to Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality for a protracted period of time.

Naaaaah, says Danny. Naaaaah, says the ANC.

Good governance for the good of the people?

Naaaaah, says the ANC.

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