Friday, July 16, 2010


Nothing limits intelligence more than ignorance; nothing fosters ignorance more than one's own opinions; nothing strengthens opinions more than refusing to look at reality.

~ Sheri S. Tepper ~

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Yup ...

It is lack of confidence, more than anything else, that kills a civilisation. We can destroy ourselves by cynicism and disillusion, just as effectively as by bombs.

~ Kenneth Clark ~

Thursday, July 8, 2010


There must be understanding between the artist and the people. In the best ages of art that has always been the case. Genius can probably run on ahead and seek out new ways. But the good artists who follow after genius — and I count myself among these — have to restore the lost connection once more.

~ Käthe Kollwitz~

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Gustav Mahler

Gustav Mahler was born on this day in 1860.

I remember him here as a tribute to the role he played in transitioning classical classical music into modern classical music.

Friday, July 2, 2010


Inspiration is not the exclusive privilege of poets or artists. There is, there has been, there will always be a certain group of people whom inspiration visits. It's made up of all those who've consciously chosen their calling and do their job with love and imagination. It may include doctors, teachers, gardeners — I could list a hundred more professions. Their work becomes one continuous adventure as long as they manage to keep discovering new challenges in it. Difficulties and setbacks never quell their curiosity. A swarm of new questions emerges from every problem that they solve. Whatever inspiration is, it's born from a continuous "I don't know."

~ Wisława Szymborska ~