Boy o boy is that true.
I was looking through some pics of Conor's and my UK trip and I was staggered to see the story in some of the pictures of me.

The first picture was taken just over a month after Madelaine told me she wanted to get divorced.
It was taken at the airport on the evening Conor and I flew out of Joburg.
I look a the picture and again I feel incredibly ravaged, like bulldozers had scraped the insides out of me.
I couldn't see past surviving the next few minutes.

The second picture was taken a few weeks ago, roughly two months after the first picture.
I have accepted the divorce and that my marriage is over.
I recognise that I have a new life to live.
Although we haven't gotten through the "process" of getting divorced and there are many challenges to face and deal with before that phase is finished; I am using every spare bit of emotional energy to start laying down the pieces of my new life.
I have a future and I will find ways to thrive in that future.
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